How fattening is your favourite cocktail?

Isn’t it frustrating how cocktail season and ‘I-must-get-my-summer-beach-body-ready’ season fall at the same time of year?
As the infographic below reveals, if you’re looking to shed the pounds you should probably ditch some of your favourite cocktails…right now!

Ranking the most calorific, two Long Island Iced Teas equate to over 70% of a women’s daily recommended calorie allowance. A Pina Colada isn’t far behind either; it’s calorie count matching that of a microwaveable lasagne.

Not all is lost however, as a gin and (slimline) tonic or a rum and (diet) coke, held more acceptable figures.

Looking to minimise your calorie intake but not willing to give up cocktails? Opt for fresh juice over concentrate, ensure you order diet mixers and swap cream for skimmed milk to knock some numbers off the calorie count.

Check out the infographic below to see how many calories are in your favourite cocktail.


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