Cocktail Wordpress plugin

Enhance Your Website with Our WordPress Plugin

Seamlessly integrate our extensive cocktail recipe database into your WordPress site.

Download the Plugin

Why Choose Our WordPress Plugin?

Our WordPress plugin allows you to effortlessly add thousands of cocktail recipes to your blog or website. With just a few clicks, you can enrich your content, engage your audience, and boost your SEO rankings.

Key Features

  • Extensive Recipe Database: Access over 3,000 cocktail recipes with detailed instructions and ingredient lists.
  • Easy Integration: Quickly and easily embed recipes into your posts and pages.
  • Customizable Widgets: Choose from various widget styles to match your site's design.
  • SEO Optimized: Improve your search engine rankings with rich, structured data.

How It Works

  1. 1. Download the Plugin: Click the download button below to get started.
  2. 2. Install and Activate: Upload the plugin to your WordPress site and activate it.
  3. 3. Customize and Embed: Use our user-friendly interface to customize and embed recipes.
wordpress plugin screenshot

Get Started Today

Download the Plugin

Enhance your website with our powerful WordPress plugin.

Download now and start offering an exceptional cocktail recipe experience to your visitors.


See what other people are saying

“Love the simplicity, just a couple of clicks and I have a working shortcode ready for my site. Unlike a lot of other WP plugins, this one has a beautiful UI as well.”

Samantha Hamer profile picture
Charlie Hamer
Wordpress advocate

“Simple, intuitive, beautiful, and actually useful for my site. This is such a great plugin for me and my readers.”

Charlie Michaels profile picture
Simon Ray
Recipe website guru

“They've literally got every cocktail I can think of in their database. I was surprised to find some of my favourites in there, and the UI is just lovely. Really helps with the SEO for sites as well.”

Chris Baker profile picture
Chris Hughes
SEO specialist

“This really adds a touch of excitement and uniqueness to my recipe site. It allows me to easily add great cocktails for my readers. Love it”

Stephen Ambigussi profile picture
Sally Wilkins
Foodie blogger

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is the plugin free?

Yes, our basic plugin is free to download and use.

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Can I customize the recipe widgets?

Absolutely! Our plugin offers several customization options to fit your website's design.

Ready to Transform Your Blog?

Download our WordPress plugin today and start sharing amazing cocktail recipes with your audience.

Download the Plugin