The 10 best Cinnamon cocktail recipes


Spice Up Your Sips with Cinnamon!

Cinnamon, a warm and aromatic spice, is not just for holiday treats but a wonderful addition to cocktails, offering an earthy, sweet, and slightly spicy flavor that can transform a simple drink into a complex masterpiece.

This versatile spice, derived from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum, has been cherished around the globe for centuries, not only for its culinary uses but for its medicinal properties as well. When it comes to cocktails, cinnamon adds depth and warmth, making it a favorite ingredient for both cool weather libations and refreshing summery concoctions. From enhancing the sweetness in fruity cocktails to adding a spicy edge to classic mixes, cinnamon’s distinctive flavor makes it a star in these top 10 cocktails.

Whether ground or as a stick, cinnamon infuses drinks with a richness that is hard to match.

Top 10 Cinnamon cocktails

  • · · · · · ·   Tiger’s Milk
  • · · · · · ·   Santa's Stiff Hot Chocolate
  • · · · · · ·   Rudolph's Red Nose
  • · · · · · ·   La Pinela
  • · · · · · ·   Glühwein
  • · · · · · ·   Winter Sidecar
  • · · · · · ·   Winter pimms punch
  • · · · · · ·   Mulled Cider
  • · · · · · ·   Mulled Wine
  • · · · · · ·   Glogg


More about Cinnamon

1. Tiger’s Milk

This cocktail is a luxurious blend of cognac and creamy elements, elevated by a hint of vanilla essence. The addition of vanilla adds a smooth, aromatic depth to the drink, complementing the richness of the cognac and the velvety texture of cream and milk. The subtle sweetness of vanilla perfectly balances the warm spice of cinnamon and the sweetness of sugar syrup, creating a sophisticated and indulgent experience. The inclusion of egg white introduces a silky foam, making every sip a lavish treat. This drink isn't just a cocktail; it's a celebration of nuanced flavors and textures, where vanilla essence plays a crucial role in bridging them all together.


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2. Santa's Stiff Hot Chocolate

Imagine the warmth of a classic hot chocolate, then elevate that sensation with the mature twist of dark rum, the comforting sweetness of honey, and a whisper of vanilla essence. This cocktail is the embodiment of festive cheer, ideal for holiday evenings or as a sophisticated treat on a cold winter's night. The honey's natural sweetness enriches the beverage, seamlessly blending with the spices to create a silky, indulgent experience. It's a testament to how honey can elevate even the most traditional of drinks with its voluptuous sweetness.


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3. Rudolph's Red Nose

A festive concoction that truly celebrates the spirit of the holiday season with its rich blend of Triple Sec, cranberry and orange juices, red wine, and a dash of cinnamon. This punch is a crowd-pleaser, delivering warmth and cheer in every glass. The luxurious amount of Triple Sec infuses the drink with a deep orange flavor that beautifully harmonizes with the spices and fruit, creating a sumptuous treat that embodies the joy and generosity of festive gatherings.


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4. La Pinela

Here, cinnamon's versatility is showcased through its ability to complement both the sweetness of pineapple juice and the sharpness of tequila. The cinnamon, along with vanilla liqueur, adds a layer of spicy warmth that makes this cocktail intriguingly complex. It's a drink that marries the vibrancy of tropical flavors with the grounded, earthy notes of cinnamon, creating a unique and memorable libation perfect for any season.


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5. Glühwein

Evoking the essence of traditional European winter markets, this cocktail is a heartfelt homage to heritage and warmth. Red wine simmers with brandy and an assortment of whole spices, while citrus slices contribute a bright acidity that cuts through the richness. The prolonged simmering allows the flavors to meld together into a deeply comforting potion, perfect for sipping by the fire. It's not just a drink; it's an experience that transports you to snow-covered streets and festive joy.


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6. Winter Sidecar

This cocktail is a wintery twist on the classic sidecar, with cinnamon adding an unexpected warmth and depth to the citrusy sharpness of the traditional ingredients. The blend of cognac, white vermouth, and cinnamon creates a smooth, spiced sensation that is both sophisticated and inviting. The sugar rim not only adds sweetness but also enhances the spice, making each sip a perfectly balanced taste experience.


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7. Winter pimms punch

This cocktail is a celebration of festive flavors that perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the winter season. Combining Brandy with Apple Juice, and a mix of citrus fruits, it is the embodiment of warmth and joy in a glass. The addition of spices like Cinnamon, alongside Pimm's No. 1, creates a richly aromatic experience that is both comforting and invigorating. This cocktail not only showcases Brandy's ability to complement and enhance the flavors of fruit and spices but also its versatility in both cold and warm drinks, making it a must-have for any winter gathering.


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8. Mulled Cider

By simmering together the rich flavors of cider with the aromatic spices of cinnamon and vanilla, and then introducing the sweet and tangy notes of orange, this cocktail brings warmth to any chilly evening. The orange’s citrusy brightness is a perfect counterpoint to the drink's deep, spiced base, creating a harmonious blend that is as comforting as it is flavorful. Whether served at a bonfire or enjoyed in solitude, it's a beverage that encapsulates the essence of autumn.


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9. Mulled Wine

This cocktail is a toast to winter, weaving together the coziness of spices like nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon with the rich, full-bodied taste of red wine. The addition of honey and citrus from orange and lemon balances the spice, adding a layer of sweetness and brightness. It's a traditional favorite, known for its ability to warm the soul on cold evenings. The intricate blend of flavors not only showcases the adaptability of red wine in cocktails but also celebrates the art of crafting drinks that bring comfort and joy.


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10. Glogg

With its roots deeply embedded in tradition, this cocktail is a celebration of warmth and spice. The hearty red wine base is elevated with an infusion of ginger, sugar, and a medley of spices, creating a drink that is both invigorating and comforting. It's the kind of concoction that invites contemplation and conviviality, perfect for gatherings or quiet winter evenings. The rich, spicy complexity makes it a memorable drink, showcasing the transformative power of combining red wine with exotic spices.


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Selecting the top 10 cocktails that showcase cinnamon was no small feat given its popularity and versatility in mixology.

These drinks were chosen not just for their delightful flavor profiles but also for how they highlight cinnamon's unique ability to blend with various spirits and ingredients, creating beverages that are memorable and enjoyable. Each cocktail in this list serves as a testament to the spice’s adaptability, enhancing spirits ranging from brandy to tequila, and creating a sensorial experience that spans the globe from traditional mulled beverages to innovative modern mixtures. Moreover, the chosen cocktails exemplify the creativity of mixology, turning the simple act of enjoying a drink into an exploration of flavors and cultures.

Cinnamon's timeless appeal and its ability to elevate a drink into something special is the reason these cocktails are regarded as the best.

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More about Cinnamon


What is the history and origin of cinnamon used in cocktails?

Cinnamon has a rich history dating back to ancient times, used by various civilizations for its aromatic qualities and medical benefits. Originally from Sri Lanka (formerly known as Ceylon) and the surrounding region, cinnamon was a highly prized trade commodity among ancient nations, including the Egyptians, Romans, and Chinese. It was so valued that it was often used as a gift for monarchs and gods. The use of cinnamon in cocktails and mixology has evolved over centuries, from early medicinal concoctions to the sophisticated drinks we enjoy today. Its introduction to cocktails can be traced back to the early days of punch and other spiced beverages, where cinnamon was a key ingredient to add warmth and complexity. Over time, it has become a staple in creating aromatic and flavorful drinks ranging from winter warmers to refreshing summer cocktails.


What's the difference between Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon in cocktails?

Ceylon cinnamon, often referred to as 'true cinnamon,' and Cassia cinnamon are the two main types of cinnamon used in cooking and mixology. Ceylon cinnamon is lighter in color and has a delicate, sweet profile, making it ideal for infusing subtle cinnamon flavors without overpowering a drink. On the other hand, Cassia cinnamon is the variety most commonly found in grocery stores and has a darker color with a stronger, slightly spicy taste. In cocktails, Ceylon cinnamon is favored for its refined flavor, especially in drinks where a softer cinnamon note is desired. Cassia cinnamon, due to its robust profile, is often used in bolder, winter cocktails where its potency can shine through without being masked by other ingredients.


How can you make cinnamon syrup for cocktails?

Making cinnamon syrup is a simple process that adds a warm, spicy sweetness to any cocktail. To make it, you'll need equal parts of sugar and water (typically one cup of each), and 3-4 cinnamon sticks. Combine the sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the cinnamon sticks and bring the mixture to a slight simmer. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow the cinnamon sticks to steep in the syrup as it cools to room temperature, enhancing the cinnamon flavor. Once cooled, strain the syrup to remove the cinnamon sticks, and bottle the syrup. Store it in the refrigerator for up to a month, and use it to add a deliciously spicy sweetness to your cocktails.


What are some creative ways to use cinnamon as a garnish in cocktails?

Cinnamon can be used as a garnish in various creative ways to enhance the visual appeal and flavor of cocktails. A classic method is to use a whole cinnamon stick as a stirrer, which gradually infuses a mild cinnamon aroma into the drink. Alternatively, you can rim the glass with a mixture of ground cinnamon and sugar for a sweet and spicy kick with each sip. For a visually stunning garnish, light a cinnamon stick on fire to create a smoky effect and place it atop your drink, giving it a dramatic flair and a subtle smoky cinnamon scent. Lastly, dusting ground cinnamon over the surface of a cocktail or laying a delicate piece of cinnamon bark on the rim of the glass adds both a touch of elegance and a burst of aroma with each sip.


Can cinnamon be used in non-alcoholic drinks, and if so, how?

Absolutely, cinnamon can be a delightful addition to non-alcoholic beverages, lending its warm, aromatic elements to create sophisticated, alcohol-free options. One popular way to incorporate cinnamon is in homemade apple cider or hot chocolate, where it brings a comforting spice that's perfect for cooler weather. Cinnamon syrup can be added to coffees, teas, or lemonades for a sweet and spicy twist. For a refreshing summer drink, try a cinnamon-infused mocktail by adding cinnamon syrup to sparkling water with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice, garnished with a cinnamon stick for stirring. Cinnamon's versatility makes it an excellent ingredient for experimenting with various non-alcoholic concoctions, elevating the flavors and complexity of the drink.