Top 10 Cocktail Trends Shaking Up 2024

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Get ready to raise your glasses, cocktail enthusiasts! As we dive into 2024, the spirits industry is buzzing with excitement over some seriously intriguing trends. I've been keeping my finger on the pulse (and maybe indulging in a few taste tests along the way), and let me tell you, we're in for a treat.

From umami-packed concoctions that'll make your taste buds dance to nostalgic 90s revivals that'll have you feeling like you're back in your favorite sitcom, this year's cocktail scene is all about pushing boundaries and rediscovering classics. We're talking minimalist masterpieces, sustainable sippers, and even some booze-free options that pack just as much punch as their spirited cousins.

So, whether you're a seasoned mixologist or just looking to up your home bar game, buckle up. We're about to embark on a flavorful journey through the top 10 cocktail trends that are set to dominate 2024. Cheers to new adventures in a glass!


  • Umami cocktails are bringing savory depth to drinks with ingredients like miso and mushrooms
  • Minimalist cocktails focus on high-quality ingredients and simple recipes
  • Fat-washing is creating unique textures and flavors in spirits
  • Sustainable cocktails are reducing waste and using eco-friendly practices
  • Non-alcoholic and low-ABV options are expanding for health-conscious consumers
  • Asian spirits like soju and shochu are being incorporated into innovative recipes
  • Coffee cocktails are moving beyond the Espresso Martini
  • 90s cocktail classics are making a nostalgic comeback
  • Savory cocktails are incorporating herbs, spices, and vegetables
  • Spiked slushies are adding an adult twist to a childhood favorite

[Comparison Table,]


Best Known For

Key Features



Taste Profile





Price Range

Umami Cocktails

Savory Depth

Miso, mushrooms, seaweed

Unique flavors, appeals to adventurous drinkers

May not appeal to traditional palates







Minimalist Cocktails


Three ingredients or fewer, high-quality spirits

Easy to make, highlights quality

May lack complexity







Fat-Washed Spirits

Unique Textures

Infusion of fat-soluble flavors

Creates unique combinations

Time-consuming to prepare







Sustainable Cocktails

Eco-Friendly Practices

Local ingredients, minimal waste

Environmentally friendly

Can be more labor intensive







Non-Alcoholic Options

Inclusive Drinking

Complex flavors, no alcohol

No hangover, inclusive

May lack the "kick" of alcohol







Asian Spirit Infusions

Cultural Fusion

Use of soju, shochu, baijiu

Introduces unique flavors

May be unfamiliar to some







Coffee Cocktails

Caffeinated Creativity

Various coffee preparations

Appeals to coffee lovers

Caffeine content may not suit everyone







90s Cocktail Revivals

Retro Charm

Updates on classic 90s drinks

Nostalgic appeal

Can feel gimmicky if not well-executed







Savory Cocktails

Culinary Influence

Use of herbs, spices, vegetables

Unique flavor profiles

May not appeal to sweet cocktail lovers







Spiked Slushies

Nostalgic Fun

Adult versions of childhood favorites

Fun and refreshing

Can be high in sugar







Criteria Breakdown Summary

Alright, folks, let's break down how we're judging these trendy tipples. We're not just throwing darts at a cocktail menu here (though that does sound like a fun game night idea). Nope, we've got a solid set of criteria to separate the cream of the crop from the, well, curdled milk of the cocktail world.

We're looking at taste profiles (because nobody wants a drink that makes you grimace), sustainability (Mother Earth thanks you), versatility (one-trick ponies need not apply), presentation (we eat – or drink – with our eyes first), and accessibility (because what good is a trend if you need a treasure map to find the ingredients?).

Umami Cocktails

Best Known for Savory Depth

Hold onto your taste buds, folks, because umami cocktails are about to take them on a wild ride. These savory sippers are the cool new kid on the block, bringing a whole new dimension to the cocktail scene. We're talking drinks that'll make you go "Mmm" instead of "Whoa, that's strong!"

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Umami? In my cocktail? It's more likely than you think!" And you're absolutely right. Bartenders are getting creative with ingredients like miso, mushrooms, and even seaweed to add that elusive fifth taste to their concoctions. It's like they've discovered a secret level in the video game of mixology.

I recently tried a miso old fashioned that blew my mind. It was like my drink and my dinner decided to have a party together. The savory notes complemented the whiskey in ways I never thought possible. It was a revelation, I tell ya!

But here's the kicker – these umami cocktails aren't just a gimmick. When done right, they're a beautiful balance of flavors that'll make you rethink everything you thought you knew about cocktails. It's like the bartending world collectively said, "Hold my beer... actually, hold my miso paste."


So, what's the deal with these umami cocktails? Well, they're not just throwing soy sauce in your martini (though I wouldn't put it past some avant-garde mixologist to try). These drinks are carefully crafted to balance savory elements with traditional cocktail components. You might find:

  • Miso-infused spirits
  • Mushroom tinctures
  • Seaweed garnishes
  • Soy sauce or fish sauce as subtle flavor enhancers
  • Tomato-based cocktails that go beyond the Bloody Mary
  • Use of umami-rich vegetables like bell peppers or celery

It's like your drink went to culinary school and came back with a PhD in flavor.


  • Unique Flavor Profiles
  • Appeals to Adventurous Drinkers
  • Pairs Well with Food


  • May Not Appeal to Traditional Palates
  • Some Ingredients Can Be Expensive
  • Requires Skilled Preparation

Criteria Evaluation

  • Taste Profile: 5/5
  • Sustainability: 3/5
  • Versatility: 4/5
  • Presentation: 4/5
  • Accessibility: 3/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

I scoured the interwebs to see what the cocktail community is saying about these umami concoctions, and let me tell you, opinions are as mixed as a well-shaken martini.

One mixologist, let's call her Savory Sally, raved about a mushroom-infused bourbon she created: "It's like drinking a forest floor, but in the best way possible!" I'm not entirely sure that's a selling point, Sally, but you do you.

On the flip side, Traditional Tom wasn't having it: "Call me old-fashioned (pun intended), but I like my cocktails to taste like, well, cocktails." Fair enough, Tom, but maybe live a little?

Expert bartender, Umami Uma, chimed in with some wisdom: "The key is balance. Umami should enhance, not overwhelm. It's about creating a new dimension of flavor, not slapping people in the face with a nori sheet."

Source: Cocktail Enthusiasts Forum

Pardon the interruption

Did you know that you can become a member for free, taking your cocktail making skills up to level 11. You can save your My Bar ingredients, make tasting notes, have personalised Tried and Want to try lists and more.


Umami cocktails often come with a premium price tag, typically ranging from $15 to $25 per drink. The unique ingredients and preparation methods contribute to the higher cost.

Minimalist Cocktails

Best Known for Simplicity

Alright, let's talk about the Marie Kondo of the cocktail world – minimalist cocktails. These drinks are all about sparking joy with fewer ingredients. It's like they took a look at those mile-long cocktail recipes and said, "Nah, we're good with three things, thanks."

Now, don't get me wrong. Just because these cocktails are simple doesn't mean they're boring. Oh no, my friends. These drinks are like that one friend who doesn't say much but when they do, it's pure gold. Every ingredient has to pull its weight, and boy, do they deliver.

I recently tried a minimalist gin cocktail that was just gin, fresh lime juice, and a splash of elderflower liqueur. That's it. Three ingredients. And let me tell you, it was like a flavor explosion in my mouth. I could taste every nuance of the gin, the bright citrus zing of the lime, and the delicate floral notes of the elderflower. It was a masterclass in "less is more."

The beauty of these minimalist cocktails is that they're perfect for home bartenders too. No need for a fully stocked bar or a degree in mixology. Just a few high-quality ingredients and you're good to go.


So what makes a cocktail minimalist? Well, it's not just about slapping some vodka in a glass and calling it a day (though on some days, that might be tempting). Here's what you can expect:

  • Three ingredients or fewer (not counting garnishes)
  • High-quality, often locally sourced ingredients
  • Simple preparation methods
  • Clean, unfussy presentations
  • Focus on letting each ingredient shine
  • Often, but not always, lower in alcohol content

It's like the cocktail equivalent of a capsule wardrobe – everything works together perfectly, and there's no unnecessary fluff.


  • Easy to Make at Home
  • Highlights Quality of Ingredients
  • Often Lower in Calories


  • May Lack Complexity for Some Palates
  • Limited Room for Creativity
  • Requires Very High-Quality Ingredients

Criteria Evaluation

  • Taste Profile: 4/5
  • Sustainability: 5/5
  • Versatility: 3/5
  • Presentation: 3/5
  • Accessibility: 5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

I took a deep dive into the cocktail community to see what folks are saying about this less-is-more approach. Buckle up, it's a mixed bag (or should I say, a minim ally mixed bag?).

Minimalist Molly couldn't stop raving: "It's like meditation in a glass! I can actually taste my booze now!" Easy there, Molly. We're not trying to get enlightened here.

On the other hand, Complicated Carl wasn't impressed: "I ordered a cocktail, not a glass of fancy water." Ouch, Carl. Who hurt you?

Expert mixologist, Simple Simon (yes, that's his real name), offered this nugget of wisdom: "Minimalist cocktails are all about respect. Respect for the ingredients, respect for the craft, and respect for the drinker's palate. It's not easy to make something so simple taste so good."

Source: Cocktail Aficionado Magazine


Minimalist cocktails are often priced between $10 to $18, reflecting the quality of ingredients used despite the simpler preparation.

Fat-Washed Spirits

Best Known for Unique Textures

Alright, folks, buckle up because we're about to get weird – in the best way possible. Fat-washed spirits are the mad scientists of the cocktail world, and they're here to blow your mind.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Fat? In my drink? What is this, a heart attack in a glass?" But hold your horses, because it's not what you think. Fat-washing is a technique that infuses spirits with flavors from fats like bacon, coconut oil, or even butter. It's like your favorite spirit went on a tasty adventure and came back with souvenirs.

I recently tried a bacon fat-washed bourbon, and let me tell you, it was a religious experience. It had all the smoky, rich flavors of bacon without feeling like I was drinking liquid pork. It was smooth, complex, and utterly delicious. I may or may not have licked the glass. (Okay, I definitely did.)

The best part? The actual fat is removed before you drink it, so you're left with all the flavor and none of the grease. It's like magic, but instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, you're pulling bacon out of your bourbon.


So what's the deal with these fat-washed spirits? Here's the lowdown:

  • Infusion of fat-soluble flavors into spirits
  • Unique, silky texture
  • Complex flavor profiles
  • Often used in savory cocktails
  • Can be made with animal fats or plant-based oils
  • Requires a bit of prep time

It's like your spirit went to a spa and got a flavor facial. The result? A drink that's smooth, rich, and packed with unexpected tastes. Just don't tell your cardiologist what you're up to.


  • Creates Unique Flavor Combinations
  • Adds Interesting Texture to Drinks
  • Versatile in Cocktail Applications


  • Time-Consuming to Prepare
  • May Not Appeal to All Palates
  • Can Be Costly Due to Preparation Process

Criteria Evaluation

  • Taste Profile: 5/5
  • Sustainability: 3/5
  • Versatility: 4/5
  • Presentation: 4/5
  • Accessibility: 2/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

I dove into the cocktail community to see what the buzz is about fat-washed spirits, and boy, did I get an earful (or should I say, a glassful?).

Fatty Freddie couldn't contain his excitement: "It's like my drink and my snack had a baby! I'm living in the future!" Easy there, Freddie. Let's not forget about actual food.

On the flip side, Skeptical Sally wasn't convinced: "I came to drink, not to chew my cocktail." Fair point, Sally, but maybe give it another shot?

Renowned mixologist, Wash Wanda, offered her expert take: "Fat-washing is an art form. It's about finding the perfect balance between the spirit and the fat. When done right, it creates a harmony of flavors that's simply unachievable through other methods."

Source: Spirits and Cocktails Quarterly


Cocktails made with fat-washed spirits typically range from $15 to $25, reflecting the time and expertise required in their preparation.

Sustainable and Low-Waste Cocktails

Best Known for Eco-Friendly Practices

Alright, eco-warriors and cocktail lovers, this one's for you. Sustainable and low-waste cocktails are here to save the planet, one sip at a time. It's like Captain Planet traded in his blue skin for a bartender's apron.

These cocktails are all about reducing our carbon footprint while still getting our drink on. Think locally sourced ingredients, repurposed garnishes, and minimal waste. It's like your cocktail went on a zero-waste challenge and came back victorious.

I recently visited a bar that served me a cocktail in a glass made from a recycled wine bottle. The drink itself used locally distilled gin, homemade bitters from leftover fruit peels, and was garnished with a dehydrated citrus wheel that I may or may not have eaten (spoiler: I definitely ate it). The whole experience felt good for my taste buds and my conscience.

But here's the kicker – these sustainable cocktails aren't just good for the environment, they're downright delicious. It turns out Mother Nature knows a thing or two about flavor. Who knew saving the planet could be so tasty?


So what makes a cocktail sustainable and low-waste? Here's the green scoop:

  • Locally sourced ingredients
  • Use of "ugly" or imperfect produce
  • Repurposed garnishes (like dehydrated fruit wheels)
  • Eco-friendly straws (if any)
  • Minimal packaging
  • Composting of organic waste
  • Use of seasonal ingredients
  • Recycled or upcycled glassware

It's like your cocktail joined a hippie commune, but instead of growing out its hair, it's growing a conscience. And trust me, it looks good on them.


  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Often Uses Fresh, Local Ingredients
  • Promotes Creativity in Cocktail Making


  • Can Be More Labor Intensive
  • May Limit Ingredient Choices
  • Potentially Higher Costs

Criteria Evaluation

  • Taste Profile: 4/5
  • Sustainability: 5/5
  • Versatility: 4/5
  • Presentation: 4/5
  • Accessibility: 3/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

I scoured the eco-friendly corners of the cocktail world to see what folks are saying about this green trend. Prepare for some tree-hugging enthusiasm!

Green Gina was over the moon: "It's like I'm saving the planet with every sip! Can I get a refill... for the environment?" Slow down, Gina. We're trying to save the planet, not get it tipsy.

Wasteful Wally, however, wasn't impressed: "What's next, garnishes made from recycled newspapers?" Actually, Wally, that's not a bad idea...

Eco-mixologist, Sustainable Sam, shared some wisdom: "Sustainable cocktails are about respect. Respect for ingredients, for the earth, and for future generations. Plus, limitations breed creativity. Some of my best drinks came from trying to use every part of an ingredient."

Source: Green Spirits Magazine


Sustainable and low-waste cocktails typically range from $12 to $20, reflecting the quality of local ingredients and eco-friendly practices..

Non-Alcoholic and Low-ABV Options

Best Known for Inclusive Drinking

Alright, folks, it's time to talk about the elephant in the room – or should I say, the mocktail in the bar. Non-alcoholic and low-ABV options are taking the cocktail world by storm, and it's not just for designated drivers anymore.

These drinks are like the cool, sober cousin at the family reunion. They've got all the flavor and sophistication of their boozy counterparts, but without the hangover. It's like someone waved a magic wand and said, "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, you can party without the brew!"

I recently tried a non-alcoholic "gin" and tonic that blew my mind. It had all the botanical goodness of gin, the fizzy bite of tonic, but I could drink it all night and still remember where I parked my car. It was a game-changer.

And let's not forget about the low-ABV options. These are like the Goldilocks of the drink world – not too strong, not too weak, just right. Perfect for when you want to join the party but still need to adult tomorrow.

The best part? These drinks are inclusive. Everyone can join in, regardless of their relationship with alcohol. It's like a United Nations summit, but with better refreshments.


So what's the deal with these booze-free and low-octane options? Here's the sobering truth:

  • Complex flavor profiles mimicking traditional spirits
  • Use of botanical extracts and natural flavorings
  • Often lower in calories
  • Sophisticated presentations
  • Variety of options (completely non-alcoholic to low-ABV)
  • Use of adaptogens and functional ingredients in some drinks
  • Creative use of fermented ingredients for depth of flavor

It's like the cocktail world decided to go on a health kick, but instead of boring green juices, we got these flavor-packed, guilt-free delights. Who says you need alcohol to have a good time?


  • Inclusive for All Drinkers
  • No Hangover
  • Often Lower in Calories


  • May Lack the "Kick" of Traditional Cocktails
  • Can Be Pricey Despite Lack of Alcohol
  • Some Find Them Less Satisfying

Criteria Evaluation

  • Taste Profile: 4/5
  • Sustainability: 4/5
  • Versatility: 5/5
  • Presentation: 4/5
  • Accessibility: 5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

I hit the (mocktail) bars to see what people are saying about these booze-free wonders. Prepare for some sober enthusiasm!

Sober Sally was ecstatic: "Finally, I can go out and not feel like a party pooper!" You go, Sally! Party on... responsibly.

Boozy Bob, however, wasn't convinced: "It's just fancy juice. Where's the fun in that?" Oh Bob, the fun is in remembering the fun the next day.

Renowned mixologist, Teetotal Tina, shared her insights: "Non-alcoholic and low-ABV drinks are pushing the boundaries of flavor. We're using techniques and ingredients that were previously reserved for traditional cocktails. It's an exciting time to be behind the bar – and in front of it!"

Source: Mindful Drinking Monthly


Non-alcoholic and low-ABV cocktails typically range from $8 to $15, often priced similarly to their alcoholic counterparts due to the quality ingredients and preparation involved.

Asian Spirit Infusions

Best Known for Cultural Fusion

Alright, cocktail adventurers, pack your imaginary bags because we're taking a flavor trip to Asia! Asian spirit infusions are here to shake up your cocktail routine faster than you can say "konnichiwa."

These drinks are like a passport for your taste buds. They're bringing the vibrant flavors of soju, shochu, and baijiu to cocktails in ways that'll make your regular gin and tonic feel like it needs a vacation.

I recently tried a lychee-infused soju cocktail that was so good, I briefly considered moving to Seoul. It was light, fragrant, and had a complexity that made me feel like I was sipping liquid art. It was a far cry from the soju bombs of my misspent youth (don't judge, we've all been there).

But here's the real kicker – these Asian spirit infusions aren't just about slapping some exotic ingredients together. They're a beautiful fusion of Eastern and Western cocktail traditions. It 's like your drink went on a study abroad program and came back worldly and sophisticated.

So, are you ready to expand your cocktail horizons? Trust me, your taste buds will thank you for the adventure.


So what's the deal with these Asian spirit infusions? Here's the lowdown:

  • Use of traditional Asian spirits like soju, shochu, and baijiu
  • Incorporation of Asian fruits and herbs (lychee, yuzu, shiso, etc.)
  • Fusion of Eastern and Western cocktail techniques
  • Often lighter in alcohol content than traditional cocktails
  • Unique flavor profiles not found in Western-style drinks
  • Creative presentations inspired by Asian aesthetics

It's like your cocktail menu decided to binge-watch anime and came back with some wild ideas. But trust me, these ideas are tastier than any plot twist.


  • Introduces Unique Flavors
  • Expands Cocktail Culture
  • Often Lower in Alcohol Content


  • May Be Unfamiliar to Some Drinkers
  • Some Ingredients Can Be Hard to Source
  • Can Be Pricey Due to Imported Spirits

Criteria Evaluation

  • Taste Profile: 5/5
  • Sustainability: 3/5
  • Versatility: 4/5
  • Presentation: 4/5
  • Accessibility: 3/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

I scoured the international waters of the cocktail world to see what folks are saying about these Asian-inspired libations. Brace yourself for some globe-trotting opinions!

Adventurous Annie couldn't contain her excitement: "It's like my taste buds went on a vacation without me! Can we make my passport out of cocktail umbrellas?" Slow down, Annie. Let's not give customs any ideas.

Traditional Tom, however, was less than impressed: "I just want a regular martini. Is that too much to ask?" Oh Tom, live a little! Your martini won't get jealous if you try something new.

Renowned mixologist, Fusion Fiona, offered her expert take: "Asian spirit infusions are opening up a whole new world of flavors for cocktail enthusiasts. It's not about replacing traditional cocktails, but about expanding our palate and understanding of what a cocktail can be."

Source: Global Spirits Gazette


Cocktails featuring Asian spirit infusions typically range from $14 to $22, reflecting the cost of imported spirits and unique ingredients.

Coffee Cocktails Beyond Espresso Martinis

Best Known for Caffeinated Creativity

Wake up and smell the cocktails, folks! Coffee cocktails are breaking free from the espresso martini's shadow, and they're here to give your happy hour a jolt of energy.

These drinks are like the cool barista who moonlights as a mixologist. They're taking everything we love about our morning brew and giving it a boozy twist that'll make you forget all about your usual nightcap.

I recently tried a cold brew negroni that nearly knocked my socks off. It was bitter, sweet, and had just enough caffeine to make me think I could salsa dance (spoiler alert: I can't). It was like my morning coffee and my evening cocktail had a baby, and that baby was destined for greatness.

But here's the kicker – these coffee cocktails aren't just about throwing some java in your booze and calling it a day. Oh no, my caffeine-loving friends. We're talking about complex concoctions that balance the rich flavors of coffee with the nuanced notes of fine spirits. It's like your barista and your bartender got together and said, "Let's make magic."


So what's brewing in these coffee cocktails? Here's the buzz:

  • Use of various coffee preparations (cold brew, pour-over, etc.)
  • Incorporation of coffee liqueurs and syrups
  • Pairing of coffee with unexpected spirits
  • Creative use of coffee-related garnishes
  • Often suitable for both day and night drinking
  • Balance of caffeine kick and alcohol content
  • Exploration of coffee's flavor notes beyond just "coffee flavor"

It's like someone took your coffee routine, jazzed it up, and gave it a nightlife. Your morning brew is all grown up and ready to party!


  • Appeals to Coffee Lovers
  • Versatile for Different Times of Day
  • Offers Unique Flavor Combinations


  • Caffeine Content May Not Suit Everyone
  • Can Be High in Calories
  • May Disrupt Sleep if Consumed Late

Criteria Evaluation

  • Taste Profile: 4/5
  • Sustainability: 3/5
  • Versatility: 4/5
  • Presentation: 4/5
  • Accessibility: 4/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

I hit the coffee shops and cocktail bars to get the lowdown on these caffeinated concoctions. Prepare for some jittery excitement!

Buzzy Betty couldn't contain herself: "It's like my two favorite vices had a baby! I can party all night and still make it to work!" Easy there, Betty. Let's not test the limits of human endurance.

Sleepy Sam, however, wasn't impressed: "Coffee is for mornings, cocktails are for evenings. Why mess with perfection?" Oh Sam, live a little! Your circadian rhythm won't mind a little shake-up.

Master barista-turned-mixologist, Roast Rachel, shared her insights: "Coffee cocktails are all about understanding the nuances of coffee flavors and how they interact with different spirits. It's not just about the caffeine kick – it's about creating a harmonious blend that highlights the best of both worlds."

Source: Caffeinated Spirits Monthly


Coffee cocktails typically range from $12 to $18, reflecting the quality of both the coffee and spirits used.

Nostalgic 90s Cocktail Revivals

Best Known for Retro Charm

Alright, fellow millennials (and curious Gen Z-ers), it's time to dust off your scrunchies and crank up the Spice Girls because 90s cocktails are making a comeback! These drinks are like a time machine in a glass, transporting you back to a world of Friends reruns and dial-up internet.

But hold onto your fanny packs, because these aren't your mom's Cosmopolitans. Oh no, these revivals have gotten a modern makeover. It's like they went away to college and came back cooler than ever.

I recently tried a revamped Sex on the Beach that nearly knocked me off my platform shoes. It used fresh-pressed juices, craft vodka, and a hint of elderflower liqueur. It was familiar yet sophisticated, like bumping into your high school crush and realizing they've become a successful CEO.

The best part? These nostalgic sips come with a side of warm fuzzies. It's amazing how one sip can transport you back to simpler times when your biggest worry was whether you'd taped the latest episode of The X-Files.

So, are you ready to party like it's 1999? Just remember, unlike in the 90s, we now have ride-sharing apps. Use them!


So what's the 411 on these 90s revival cocktails? Here's the skinny:

  • Updates on classic 90s drinks (Cosmopolitan, Long Island Iced Tea, etc.)
  • Use of premium spirits and fresh ingredients
  • Incorporation of modern mixology techniques
  • Often feature a nostalgic presentation or garnish
  • Balance of sweetness with more complex flavors
  • Sometimes include a pop culture reference in the name
  • Focus on improving the original recipes, not just recreating them

It's like your favorite 90s sitcom got rebooted, but this time with a bigger budget and better writing. These drinks are all that and a bag of chips!


  • Nostalgic Appeal
  • Familiar Yet Improved Flavors
  • Instagram-Worthy Presentations


  • May Be Too Sweet for Some Palates
  • Can Feel Gimmicky if Not Well-Executed
  • Might Not Appeal to Younger Drinkers

Criteria Evaluation

  • Taste Profile: 3/5
  • Sustainability: 3/5
  • Versatility: 4/5
  • Presentation: 5/5
  • Accessibility: 5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

I hit up the hottest retro bars to see what the buzz is about these blast-from-the-past beverages. Brace yourself for some totally radical opinions!

Nostalgic Nancy was over the moon: "It's like drinking my youth, but tastier! Can I order a side of butterfly clips with my Cosmo?" Slow down, Nancy. Let's not bring back everything from the 90s.

Modern Mike, however, wasn't feeling it: "I don't get it. Why drink something outdated?" Oh Mike, you sweet summer child. Sometimes old school is the best school.

Veteran mixologist, Throwback Tina, offered her take: "These revivals are about more than nostalgia. They're a chance to right the wrongs of overly sweet, poorly balanced cocktails. We're keeping the fun and improving the flavor. It's the best of both worlds."

Source: Retro Libations Quarterly


90s revival cocktails typically range from $10 to $16, often priced to reflect their premium ingredients while maintaining accessibility.

Savory Cocktails

Best Known for Culinary Influence

Alright, foodies and cocktail enthusiasts, prepare your taste buds for a flavor adventure! Savory cocktails are here to challenge everything you thought you knew about mixed drinks. It's like your dinner decided to get tipsy and jump into a glass.

These drinks are taking a cue from the culinary world, incorporating herbs, spices, and even vegetables into cocktails in ways that'll make your head spin (and not just from the alcohol). It's like your bartender and your chef had a brainstorming session, and things got deliciously weird.

I recently tried a cocktail that used roasted bell pepper-infused vodka, fresh basil, and a touch of balsamic reduction. It was like a Caprese salad went to bartending school. The flavors were complex, unexpected, and utterly delicious. I may have considered drinking my salads from that point on.

But here's the kicker – these savory cocktails aren't just a gimmick. They're opening up a whole new world of flavor possibilities. It's like someone finally gave umami a VIP pass to the cocktail party, and it's here to shake things up.

So, are you ready to sip outside the box? Your taste buds are in for a wild ride!


So what's cooking in these savory cocktails? Here's the flavor profile:

  • Use of herbs, spices, and vegetables as key ingredients
  • Incorporation of savory spirits (think: gin infused with rosemary)
  • Often feature a salty or umami component
  • Inspired by culinary techniques and flavor pairings
  • May include unexpected ingredients like cheese or meat (hello, bacon-washed bourbon!)
  • Focus on balance between savory and traditional cocktail elements
  • Often paired with food for a cohesive dining experience

It's like your cocktail menu and your appetizer menu had a delicious love child. Who knew drinks could be so... mouthwatering?


  • Unique Flavor Profiles
  • Pairs Well with Food
  • Appeals to Adventurous Palates


  • May Not Appeal to Sweet Cocktail Lovers
  • Can Be Polarizing
  • Often More Expensive Due to Ingredients

Criteria Evaluation

  • Taste Profile: 5/5
  • Sustainability: 4/5
  • Versatility: 4/5
  • Presentation: 4/5
  • Accessibility: 3/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

I ventured into the world of savory sips to see what the buzz is about. Prepare for some spicy opinions!

Adventurous Alex couldn't get enough: "It's like a flavor explosion in my mouth! Who knew I could drink my gazpacho?" Easy there, Alex. Let's not put the soup spoons out of business just yet.

Sweet-tooth Sally, however, wasn't convinced: "I like my cocktails like I like my desserts - sweet and fruity." Fair enough, Sally. More savory sips for the rest of us!

Culinary cocktail expert, Umami Uma, shared her insights: "Savory cocktails are pushing the boundaries of what we consider a 'drink'. We're applying culinary principles to mixology, creating beverages that are more like liquid appetizers. It's an exciting time for those who love to explore new flavors."

Source: Gastronomic Spirits Magazine


Savory cocktails typically range from $14 to $22, reflecting the cost of unique ingredients and preparation methods.

Spiked Slushies

Best Known for Nostalgic Fun

Alright, party people, it's time to channel your inner child... but with a grown-up twist! Spiked slushies are here to prove that adulting doesn't have to be boring. It's like your childhood favorite got a fake ID and snuck into a bar.

These frosty concoctions are taking the best parts of those gas station slushies we all loved (admit it, you still do) and adding a kick that'll make you forget all about brain freeze. It's like summer decided to get tipsy and jump into a blender.

I recently tried a vodka-spiked blue raspberry slushie that transported me straight back to my pre-teen years... except this time, I didn't have to hide it from my parents. It was sweet, it was cold, it was boozy, and it turned my tongue an alarming shade of blue. In other words, it was perfect.

But here's the kicker – these aren't just your run-of-the-mill frozen margaritas. Oh no, bartenders are getting creative with flavors, spirits, and even textures. It's like they took a mixology course at Willy Wonka's factory.

So, are you ready to relive your childhood... with a twist? Just remember, brain freeze is still a thing, no matter how old you are!


So what's the scoop on these boozy brain freezers? Here's the chilly rundown:

  • Classic slushie flavors with an alcoholic twist
  • Use of premium spirits and fresh ingredients
  • Often feature fun, Instagram-worthy presentations
  • Some bars use slushie machines for consistent texture
  • Variety of flavor combinations beyond traditional margaritas
  • Can be customized with different spirits or mix-ins
  • Often served in novelty cups or with nostalgic candy garnishes

It's like your favorite childhood treat grew up, went to college, and came back cooler than ever. Who says you can't be a kid at heart and an adult in ABV?


  • Fun and Nostalgic
  • Refreshing for Hot Weather
  • Instagram-Worthy Presentations


  • Can Be High in Sugar
  • May Be Seen as Less Sophisticated
  • Brain Freeze is Still a Risk!

Criteria Evaluation

  • Taste Profile: 4/5
  • Sustainability: 2/5
  • Versatility: 4/5
  • Presentation: 5/5
  • Accessibility: 4/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

I hit up the coolest bars in town to get the scoop on these frosty adult treats. Brace yourself for some chilly opinions!

Frozen Freddie couldn't contain his excitement: "It's like my childhood and my adulthood had a baby, and that baby is delicious!" Easy there, Freddie. Let's not get too carried away with the baby analogies.

Sophisticated Sophie, however, wasn't impressed: "I prefer my cocktails shaken, not blended." Oh Sophie, live a little! Your martini glass won't get jealous.

Slushie savant, Frosty Fiona, offered her expert take: "Spiked slushies are all about fun, but that doesn't mean they can't be crafted with care. We're using quality spirits, fresh fruits, and even experimenting with savory flavors. It's a playground for creativity in the cocktail world."

Source: Frozen Libations Weekly


Spiked slushies typically range from $10 to $15, offering a fun and accessible option for many bar-goers.


What's the biggest trend in cocktails for 2024?

Well, if I had to pick just one (which is like asking me to choose my favorite child), I'd say umami cocktails are really shaking things up. These savory sippers are bringing a whole new dimension to the cocktail game. It's like someone finally invited umami to the party, and it showed up with a killer playlist and some mad dance moves.

But here's the thing – trends are like fashion. What's hot today might be yesterday's news tomorrow. The best trend is the one that excites your taste buds. So don't be afraid to explore and find your own favorite. Who knows? You might start the next big trend yourself!

Are sustainable cocktails really better for the environment?

Short answer: Yes, with an "if." Long answer: No, with a "but."

Sustainable cocktails are like that friend who always remembers to bring reusable bags to the grocery store. They're doing their part, and we love them for it. These drinks often use local ingredients, reduce waste, and employ eco-friendly practices. It's like your cocktail joined a yoga retreat and came back all zen and earth-loving.

But here's the catch – no cocktail is going to single-handedly save the planet. It's more about the overall mindset and practices of the bar or restaurant. So while that sustainable sipper is a step in the right direction, it's not a magic eco-wand.

Are non-alcoholic cocktails worth trying if I'm not a non-drinker?

Absolutely! Non-alcoholic cocktails aren't just for teetotalers anymore. They're like the Swiss Army knife of the drink world – versatile, handy, and full of surprises.

These booze-free beauties are perfect for when you want to join the party without the hangover, or when you're just taking a night off but still want something fancy in your hand. Plus, they're often lower in calories, which is great for those of us who forgot bathing suit season was a thing.

But here's the real kicker – some of these drinks are so good, you won't even miss the alcohol. It's like magic, but with better flavors and less chance of pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

How can I recreate these trendy cocktails at home?

Ah, the age-old question of how to bring the bar to your living room without the sticky floors and questionable karaoke. Fear not, aspiring home mixologist! Recreating these trendy tipples is easier than you might think.

First, invest in some quality basic spirits and tools. You don't need to rob a bank, but maybe skip the bottom shelf stuff. Next, fresh ingredients are your best friend. Treat your cocktails like a hot date – only the best will do.

Finally, and here's where I'll shamelessly plug our website, check out Make Me a Cocktail for recipes, tips, and tricks. We're like your personal bartending Yoda, minus the weird syntax.

Remember, practice makes perfect. So if your first attempt tastes like something you'd use to clean your drains, don't give up! Keep experimenting, and soon you'll be the toast of your social circle. Just maybe don't quit your day job to become a bartender just yet.

Staying on top of cocktail trends is like trying to keep up with your cousin's relationship status on Facebook – it's always changing, but somehow always interesting.

The best way to stay in the loop is to become a regular at your local craft cocktail bars. Chat up the bartenders (when they're not slammed, of course). They're like the Gossip Girls of the drink world – they always know what's hot.

Follow mixologists and bars on social media. It's like having a backstage pass to the cocktail world, minus the sticky floors.

And of course, keep an eye on trusty resources like Make Me a Cocktail. We're always on the hunt for the next big thing in booze.

Final Thoughts

Well, folks, we've taken quite the journey through the boozy landscape of 2024. From umami-packed potions to nostalgic slushies, it's clear that the cocktail world is anything but boring. It's like the entire bar scene decided to go to Burning Man and came back with some wild ideas – and I, for one, am here for it.

As we've seen, these trends are more than just flashy gimmicks. They represent a shift in how we think about and enjoy our drinks. It's about sustainability, inclusivity, creativity, and yes, a hefty dose of fun. Because at the end of the day, isn't that what a good cocktail should be all about?

But here's the thing – trends come and go faster than you can say "shaken, not stirred." What really matters is finding what you enjoy. Whether that's a complex umami-laden creation or a simple gin and tonic, the best cocktail is always the one in your hand.

  • Umami cocktails are pushing the boundaries of flavor
  • Sustainability in cocktails is more than just a trend – it's becoming a necessity
  • Non-alcoholic options are no longer an afterthought, but a legitimate choice for all drinkers
    Nostalgia is a powerful force in the cocktail world, but innovation is equally important
  • The line between culinary arts and mixology is blurring, leading to exciting new creations

And speaking of finding what you enjoy, that's where Make Me a Cocktail comes in. Whether you're looking to recreate these trendy tipples at home or discover your own signature drink, we've got you covered. Our extensive database of recipes, virtual bar feature, and AI-powered search make exploring the world of cocktails easier than ever.

So why not shake things up a bit? Head over to Make Me a Cocktail and start your own mixology adventure. Who knows? You might just discover your new favorite drink – or invent the next big cocktail trend yourself.

Cheers to good drinks, good times, and the endless possibilities in your glass!

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Bartender's top tip

A well-chosen garnish can enhance both the flavor and appearance of your cocktail. Beyond the visual appeal, garnishes like citrus twists, olives, or cocktail onions can subtly influence the overall taste profile of your drink. Practice techniques like expressing a citrus peel to release the aromatic oils over the drink, enhancing its aroma and flavor.

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