
Juicy Cocktails in New York

10 years ago

New York has always been a city to set the trends rather than follow them, and the inhabitants of the city seem to be on a natural health kick right now. The fashion for juicing has been around for a...

The Big Freeze Is On It's Way!

10 years ago

Don’t panic! There is not some freak snowstorm about to hit the UK (I hope!) However, an increasing number of London bars have started to offer refreshing Poptails as part of their cocktail menu. The...

A Steak Cocktail? Now That Is A-moo-sing!

10 years ago

Steak and cocktails sounds like the perfect match to me. I love to chew on a mouth-wateringly tender bit of rib-eye while sipping a martini. However, one bar in Manchester has taken this pairing a ste...

Las Vegas Bartenders

10 years ago

Bartenders in Las Vegas are considered to be among the best in the world. They undergo vigorous training and have to acquire licenses before they can compete for jobs. Bartending is a career goal, rat...

Most Influential Current Bartenders

10 years ago

You have tasted the cocktails and learned the recipes, but behind every drink is a smug bartender who invented it. Here are a few of the most influential bartenders around the world today. They may we...

Exotic Cocktail Bars Around the World

10 years ago

When the rich and famous travel the world, they want to visit the most exclusive, trendy and exotic bars they can find. With money of no object, and the world as their oyster, there are a number of be...

Site Widgets Ahoy

10 years ago

Ahoy their pirate cocktail lovers and website readers. We've hope you've been having a lovely week and got to taste or imbibe some lovely concotions. If the weekend is just arriving for you, then be s...

Breakfast in Burma

11 years ago

Bartenders are creative creatures at heart and nothing fuels the flames of creativity like a good ol’ fashioned cocktail competition (trips abroad and prize money help too!). Bartenders entering the H...

Potato? In a cocktail? Yup

11 years ago

Potato? In a cocktail? Yup So El Dorado rum flows from Guyana where food and rum are a big part of family life, full of traditions. With swizzle recipes and also cookery recipes closely guarded secret...

The road to El Dorado Part 2 - A bitter sweet symphony

11 years ago

So after some careful consideration I have decided to create my very own aromatic bitters to incorporate into my cocktail for the upcoming El Dorado Swizzle competition. The base of a bitter is usuall...

Return to the City of El Dorado

11 years ago

It’s that time of year again, when all bar tenders dust off their swizzle sticks, infuse magical bitters and get submerged in all things rum. That’s right it’s the annual El Dorado rum competition. Yo...

Exciting New Updates

11 years ago

This week has been exciting for us as we've rolled out two new great features on the site, and expanded our cocktail lists and microbadges. We knew that our My Bar feature was limited by our current s...

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