Casino Royale Cocktails: 6 Drinks You Can Easily Repeat at Home

22nd January 2023

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Even though experienced gamblers don’t recommend drinking when spinning the reel or sitting at the poker table, it’s hard to deny yourself the pleasure of trying a delicious mix in the bar. The same applies to online casinos: the process becomes funnier when drinking something unusual. Catch six recipes that James Bond himself adored, and your taste buds will definitely be delighted.

Martini Vesper

This drink is iconic since the phrase “Shaken, not stirred” is well-known even to those who have never watched James Bond movies. This cocktail contains all hero’s favorite ingredients that, including:

  • 0,6 ounces vodka
  • 1,8 ounces gin
  • 0,3 ounces dry martini
  • Ice
  • Lemon zest

To prepare a drink, mix all the alcohol in a shaker and shake lightly. It works best in a martini or champagne glass, so fill it with ice, rub the rim with lemon, sprinkle with zest, and pour the liquid. The cocktail is considered very popular among casino players, but remember that it is quite strong.

Americano Cocktail

This drink is associated with the Casino Royale movie, and passionate fans definitely know it. Americano is often served in land-based gambling establishments, being one of the most popular options among visitors. So why not repeat it when playing in your favorite Canadian online casino and enjoy this unforgettable taste? Ensure to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • 1,5 ounces sweet vermouth
  • 1,5 ounces red bitter
  • 3 ounces soda
  • An orange slice

First, you should add a lot of ice and then pour all alcohol and soda. Slightly stir the mixture and decorate your drink with orange. Everything is ready for you to enjoy your casino evening and feel like James Bond!


This cocktail is considered classic, and it’s an improved recipe of the previously mentioned Americano. The ingredients are pretty similar:

  • 1,6 ounces red vermouth
  • 1,6 ounces in
  • 1,6 ounces gin
  • Ice
  • An orange slice

The main difference between this drink and the previous one is that it is poured in layers: first, add ice, and then successively pour vermouth, bitter, and gin. Garnish the glass with orange and serve immediately!

Black Velvet

Real connoisseurs of cocktails say this drink will perfectly complement seafood. However, we think it’s fantastic even on its own, so you should definitely try to repeat it at home, which is simple considering it consists of two ingredients: champagne and stout (4 ounces each). Add champagne, which is one of James Bond’s favorite drinks, to the glass and pour the beer in a thin stream so that it does not give much foam. Quite an unusual recipe, doesn’t it? But the combination of flavors will definitely impress you.

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Another traditional drink is often served in land-based casinos. It requires the following ingredients. No matter how hard the bartenders tried to improve it, the classic version is still the most popular. You need the following ingredients to make it:

  • 3,3 ounces cognac or brandy
  • 3,3 ounces mint liquor
  • Crushed ice

This cocktail requires a lot of ice – at least half of the glass should be filled with it. Add brandy, liquor, and some more ice to the shaker and mix the ingredients. Use the strainer to pour the drink into the glass and enjoy its refined taste!

Rum Collins

One more drink adored by casino fans has a sweet and sour flavor but is quite strong, so you should be attentive to the number of cocktails you have. You need the following ingredients to make it:

  • 2 ounces white rum
  • 1 ounce lime juice (it’s better to choose freshly squeezed)
  • 0,5 ounces sugar syrup
  • Soda
  • Ice

Add rum, juice, and sugar syrup to the shaker and lightly stir the ingredients. Add a lot of ice and soda to taste. This classic cocktail will never lose its relevance, and one of the reasons for such popularity is that it’s easy to be made at home.

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Bartender's top tip

A well-chosen garnish can enhance both the flavor and appearance of your cocktail. Beyond the visual appeal, garnishes like citrus twists, olives, or cocktail onions can subtly influence the overall taste profile of your drink. Practice techniques like expressing a citrus peel to release the aromatic oils over the drink, enhancing its aroma and flavor.

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