The Best Cocktail Bloggers of 2018

8th January 2024

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It’s time to share a little blogger love and give a shout out to some of those cocktail bloggers I admire the most, since there are some really great writers out there full of cocktail knowledge and ideas. So, when you’ve finished reading my post, perhaps you might want to pop on over and check them out!

Arsenic Lace

Professional bartender Natalie Jacob shares inspiration on how to make the most delicious and delectable cocktails at home. A regular in magazines such as Imbibe Magazine, Edible Magazine, Time Out and Business Insider, she has 15 years of experience in the cocktail industry and also runs her own beverage consulting business. Based in New York, you will find a variety of drinks on her blog, alongside some vivid and vibrant photography.

Drinking With Chickens

When you think of cocktails, you immediately think of eggs right? No? Well Kate Richards loves a Gin Fizz and so her chickens feature regularly on her cocktail blog, creating an interesting angle on mixology. Her concoctions are also made up of other ingredients found in her organic garden. One of the few bloggers on our list that hasn’t worked in the industry, Kate is completely home-taught, which may make her a bigger source of inspiration for other arm-chair would-be bartenders.

Great Drams

Greg Dillon loves whiskey, gin and beer, and as a result, the cocktails displayed on his blog tend to feature these ingredients as standard. He has a lot of experience in the industry, working as a whiskey brand consultant, presenting drinks events and judging international spirits competitions. Prepare to have your mind opened and your whiskey knowledge expanded by his entertaining blog.

A Bar Above

Chris Tunstall started his video blog back in 2012 and since then he has amassed quite a following. Based in San Francisco, he had been bartending for around 10 years before taking his talents to the web and so is more than qualified to bring you some fantastic cocktail creations. On his website you will also find some handy tips and tricks that will take your beverages from so-so to oh-oh!

Cocktail Wonk

With a list of cocktail writing awards as long as my arm, Matt Pietrek is well-renowned in the blogging industry. On his page you will find stories of whiskey, rum and tiki drinks, but his background is surprisingly different. An expert on all things Microsoft Windows, software development and reverse engineering, he now uses his practical mind to share cocktails and drinking experiences that any mixologist would be proud of.

Of course, few blogs come close to the Make Me A Cocktail blog, but in between posts, these bloggers are all worth a visit for the cocktail enthusiast.

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Bartender's top tip

Balance is key in mixology. Always measure ingredients. A dash less or more can transform a drink. Experiment with fresh garnishes; they can elevate even the simplest cocktails to new heights.

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