Level up - Wine

How to Make the Perfect Aperol Spritz Cocktail

Discover the secrets to crafting the perfect Aperol Spritz cocktail with our step-by-step guide. The Aperol Spritz is a vibrant and refreshing cocktail that has captured the hearts and taste buds of c...  read more


Are you using the right wine glass?

When it comes to cocktails, the glass is as important to the finished drink as every other ingredient. But when pouring wine, few people think twice about which glass they use. It doesn’t help that gl...  read more


The History of Champagne

It is the drink that is saved for celebrations and extravagant events, used to impress others and create an air of wealth. So, what exactly is champagne and where did this luxurious drink come from? O...  read more


Making Wine More Wonderful

For many, Easter is a time of indulgence after a long period of fasting. If you took part in the religious practice of Lent, then you may well have enjoyed the past weekend by scoffing chocolates and...  read more


Cooking With Spirits

Most of us are familiar with cooking with wine, whether we are making a delicious red wine sauce to complement our beef, or a white wine sauce to go with chicken, the acidic taste is distinctive and m...  read more


The History of Christmas Cocktails

With Christmas on its merry way, we are taking this opportunity to celebrate three of the most popular tipples at the time of year. Whichever one you prefer, it is always interesting to know the histo...  read more


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