Level up - spirits

Top 10 Drinks to Order at a Bar for Every Occasion

As seasoned travelers and master mixologists, we know that the bar is more than just a place to get a drink; it’s an experience waiting to unfold. From the dimly lit speak-easies of New York City to b...  read more


What is the Smoothest Tequila and What Is Good To Mix It With?

Whether you're enjoying a glass of tequila neat or shaking up a fresh cocktail, finding the smoothest tequila can elevate your drinking experience. But what exactly makes a tequila smooth, and once yo...  read more


How to stir your cocktails properly

Turns out, there’s a right way to stir your cocktail, and once you master it, you’ll wonder how you had gotten it so wrong! You never stir a cocktail just for the hell of it. Your drink is only ever s...  read more


Get to Know Your Rum

The basis of so many incredible cocktails, rum has a long history with links to pirates and brave naval warriors, making it one of the coolest spirits around! It was actually created in the middle age...  read more


The History of Vodka

For a long time, this clear spirit was considered to be the most popular in the UK. It has recently been usurped by gin, but it still holds a special place in our hearts. Here is a story about how vod...  read more


The History of Whiskey

At Christmas time, the Irish coffees flow freely in my household. My husband is very generous with his serve of alcohol, to the point where the steaming hot beverage is almost lukewarm! The last time...  read more


The top ten things you need in your cocktail cabinet

One of the best things about alcohol is that it has a very long use-by date. Spirits, in particular, can last months in your cocktail cabinet, so it makes sense to keep everything in stock so that you...  read more


Cooking With Spirits

Most of us are familiar with cooking with wine, whether we are making a delicious red wine sauce to complement our beef, or a white wine sauce to go with chicken, the acidic taste is distinctive and m...  read more


Gin Times

Gin was officially invented in the 1600’s, although Italians had been flavoring some of their simple distilled beverages with juniper berries since the 11th century. A Dutch physician, Franciscus Silv...  read more


Differences in Tequila

The word tequila is a proprietary term, legally limited for use in the Mexican production of blue agave distilled spirits. First commercially produced during the 16th century by Spanish conquistadors...  read more


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