What Will You Be Drinking in 2019?

8th January 2024

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The new year is the perfect time to take a new perspective on your drinking habits. Traditionally, January is a time of detox after the excess of December – where you take a moment to allow your bank account, liver and digestive system. So why don’t we spend this time of rest and restoration to take a look at the drinks that are likely to be popular this year?


Could 2019 be the year that you give up alcohol? It might not be as crazy a suggestion as it sounds, as more and more bartenders will be adding fancy mocktails to their menu this year. With exciting new ingredients including non-alcoholic spirits, in-house syrups and tonics and fermented garnishes, this could be the perfect time to go tee-total!


Vegetable-Infused Cocktails

Not quite ready to give up your spirits? That’s fine – 2019 has plenty for you to enjoy too! Bartenders will be getting creative with more obscure vegetables and the odd mushroom in your drinks. Mushroom-infused spirits, mushroom tea and mushroom broth are just a few of the interesting ingredients you might notice on the cocktail list. Keep your eyes peeled for vegetables you might never have even heard of too, such as tomatillo, jicama and sunchoke.


Unusual Food-Cocktail Combinations

You might be partial to the odd cube of cheese with your wine, but 2019 is the year where bartenders will be experimenting with more unusual food pairings. Ever tried oysters to complement your gin? Why wait until after your drinking session to pick up a bucket of fried chicken? Some establishments will be combining the budget snack with luxury drinks such as champagne. Meanwhile, other bars will be testing out crispy crickets with pisco-drinkers – you have been warned!


Fresh Flavours

Enjoy a hint of turmeric in your favourite cocktail blends. Or perhaps you’d prefer rose essences or tarragon and celery root? More unusual flavours are creeping into the bartending world, just begging to be experimented with. This year you are almost certain to experience a cocktail featuring moringa, fenugreek or moringa berries. You might even come across a drink with African, Latin or Japanese influences, with infusions such as plantain or harissa.


Sexy Sustainability

The trend for sustainable beverages continues, as bartenders seek to include a more refined menu using fewer ingredients. You might find bars with their own on-site bee hives or edible garnishes grown in pub gardens. Room-temperature cocktails may also become a thing.


If you are happy drinking your favourite classic cocktail that never lets you down, chances are, you'll be able to find that in most bars in 2019 too. But for those who are a little more adventurous, why not give the above a try? Let us know how it was!

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Bartender's top tip

The more you understand and appreciate different flavors and how they combine, the better your cocktails will be. Taste your ingredients individually and in combinations to understand how they complement or contrast with each other. This knowledge lets you adjust cocktails to your preference or even invent your own recipes confidently.

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